Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Hello, friends. I was bored at work one day (Adam, if you're reading this, what I mean is I found some time in between my laborious tasks), and I decided to start a blog. I have no idea what its about, but I hope that it will amuse similiarly bored capitalist cogs like myself in all the manner of subjects which I hold dear: journalism...pretentiousness...Sinatra. Plus, it might be useful to start actually writing something, since that seems where life is pushing me.

Not that this is going to be some kind of daily livejournal-esque diary. Really, I'd write one of those and be set for the rest of my life. Take the following steps--any order, it doesn't matter--and you'll all learn the extent of my life. Sleep, work, food, video games, alcohol, books...that's it. (Of course, I could tell you all about I finally beat the Emerald WEAPON which earned me the Earth Harp which, of course, got me a Gold Chocobo, but that might be a little too esoteric.)

That all being out of the way, we can finally get down to brass much for the ape?

1 comment:

kingkool68 said...

Good to see old Jordan Harriman is blogging. I'll add it to my feed reader faster than you can say "Don't taze me, bro!"